Rebirthing Us -A Rebirthing Retreat For Couples April 5th-8th 2024

  • Come Together

    We each have a birth story that has impacted our entire lives and which continues to be acted out until we bring our presence and awareness there through rebirthing breathwork and perinatal psychology.

    Our partners birth story plays a huge role in our lives and both stories become intertwined as one resulting in poor communication ,unresolved conflict & continuous drama which mimics our birth story and imprints.

    We also act out our parents stories and behaviour unconsciously .Even when we are adamant we won’t be like our parents we can overcompensate in many areas of our life especially with our children and end up creating the same again but this time in a different way.

    We lose our connection & our intimacy through it all and often feel its the end of the relationship.

    Rebirthing brings you to the places where the original wounding may have occurred either in gestation or birth and possibly even conception.Rebirthing brings deeper awareness of our story and can help couples who have exhausted all other avenues.

    Rebirthing brings resolution also to many of the challenges our children may have as when we face our own unresolved childhood trauma our children no longer need to reflect it back to us.

    Rebirthing Breathwork is not only a breathwork modality but a therapy for our lives as we gain the opportunity to look inside at what keeps us suffering .By exploring our inner world we receive the answers we so very often look for outside. The breath expands us and our awareness so we can become more conscious of our hurts and pain and also our projections onto others and life that are rooted in negative beliefs and stories formed at birth or in our mothers womb. The breath has her/his own intelligence and will never open up anything in you that you are not ready to face. When we meet ourselves here from a place of non judgement we can set ourselves free from our past. Our breath cleans us out of the residue of our past experiences, both conscious and unconscious memories, and we begin to embody more of our true nature while becoming become conscious of choosing life and not suffering. We make peace with all that was and move beyond our stories to infinite spaces of love and joy and we accept all that was.

  • Find Each Other Again

    Through various perinatal psychology practices,movement meditations,rebirthing breathwork,9d breathwork,kayaking & group work we will take you on a journey from Friday to Monday to rebirth your relationship and see each other again outside of any story or conditioning.

    This retreat is about reconnection and healing for both as individuals and also as a couple.

    What vision do you want to come together on?

    Where are the blocks?

    How can you bring more joy and ease into your lives?

    Where are you both not being heard?

    What roles are you playing for one another?

    Where are either of you not accepting responsibility or leaning too much on the other?

    Can you give the other permission to be as life intended them to be and can you accept their unique experience ?

    Can you give yourself permission to deepen into your relationship with yourself first?

    Are you aware of each others subconscious death urge and can you spot when ye are both creating experiences together to “kill yere joy”?

    Is there religious trauma from being born into a catholic tribe?

    Is there parent disapproval trauma ?

    Are you acting out each others birth story?

    Where is each others Inner Tyrant at work?

    Rebirthing addresses all of this and this weekend will be about exploring where these traumas are activated within your lives and where old programmes block you from really seeing the love in each other.

    Finding who you are as individuals and as a couple

    This retreat is best suited to those who want to find one another again and move into healthier relationship with one another and the world.

  • Learn about one another

    Through the various practices over the weekend there is wonderful opportunity to get to know each other at a deeper level & to see one another through a different lense outside of the home and family environment.

    We believe in fun and laughter as medicine for life and there will be no shortage of that this weekend.The kayaking trip teaches us loads about how we move through life as a couple and also how we interpret life and our environment.

    Held in a in a beautiful location in a relaxed environment this retreat is a wonderful gift to one another and to your children.

    Arriving Friday at 4 pm and leaving Monday at 10 am.Located in Castlecove County Kerry.It is possible to leave on Sunday night but unfortunately no discount can be offered for this.

    Cost 1000 eu Limited to 6 Couples

  • This retreat was the best thing we could have ever done to help ourselves & our marriage.Through breathwork we reached a level of intimacy that we didnt think was ever possible.We met each other in the heart.Geraldine & Tomas are amazing humans who are so brilliant at what they do.The fact that they have been through so much and met you where you are at made it such a safe space especially for my husband who had never done this before.Very real & raw people with no bs.This defineitely is something all couples should do at least once every year.

    M & H

  • Wow Wow Wow.Amazing retreat that I dont have the words for.Thanks Ger & Tomas.I have never felt so held and accepted in my life.25 years of marriage and after the weekend I feel like the best is yet to come.Thank you both from the bottom of my heart for everything.My marriage is rebirthed just by changing my perspective & seeing my wife through a different lense.


A few words from us……

We have been on this journey together with almost 10 years and both entered into the relationship with children, a lot of baggage & unresolved trauma ,issues in the tissues & a lot more.Over the course of those 10 years ,whilst unpacking our own inner baggage through an intense healing journey ,we were faced continuously with challenges ,the traumatic births of our 2 girls ,the bereavement of Tomas eldest son,father & mother ,several house moves ,lots of serious illness ,financial difficulty ,a diagnosis for our daughters autism & a diagnosis for autism & adhd for me.Those are just the headlines!

We went through years of reiki ,shamanism .plant medicine ,sound healing , cacao,mediation ,mens & womens retreats & circles but all only scratched the surface on the pain & torment we were both experiencing.We projected each others stories onto one another. We were constantly on this merrygoround of drama with one another .No amount of counselling or talk therapy could allow us to see from a different perspective and from an embodied place that we were in fact acting our parents story and that we as a couple were not being seen at all by one another.We became aware of our own narcissism and saw where we were both being unreasonable in our expectaions of one another.We found most of our therapists had never worked through the challenges we were facing .Through the lense of mainstream psychology we were doomed.We have this beautiful connection ,are great friends but when our pain bodies are activated all hell can break lose as old patterns arise until we reached this place of awareness brought to us through rebirthing breathwork.We both got lost in spirituality for many years and this distraction only kept us under false illusions about life & love.We were intolerable at times & full of our own illusions.All part of our journey .The breath though was the game changer.It grounded us into our bodies and the true healing began.We faced ourselves & all we were running from & life began to get better.We learned how our births distorted our view of life. We saw where we had missed developmental stages are were still acting out from that place.We stopped trying to control.We surrendered to each others wants,needs & desires.We forgave ourselves for our mistakes in life.

We now enjoy a simple life & the most important thing to us is not material,not a house or a car or even a business.The most important thing to us is our own life.Our inner peace and that of our children & grandchildren.We have learned from our previous lives before we met that you can have it all but unless you are happy and whole inside,no amount of money or stuff will fill the hole within and eventually it will all come crashing down ,just like it did for each of us.We both enjoyed the high life once upon a time so we have seen both sides and now stand somewhere in the middle.We have a deep respect for each other and our children and our work together is to offer you an opportunity to see each other beyond your stories & to see through a different lense how beautiful life can be lived in simplicity.We learned how important it is to get away together to reconnect & have fun.To allow multiple truths.To not lean too heavy in the other.

We invite you to come with an open mind & assure you we learned not to take life so seriously & to have fun so the weekend will also be filled with laughter & craic to balance it all!! Its real & raw & human.We are not counsellors or healers,fixers or savers.Our intention is not to heal you or tell you how to live your life.Our intention is to create the opportunity for you to meet one another outside the story.To create the space for you to be in each others true essence outside the birth imprints & generational trauma & projection,There will be no sharing of our stories and much of the weekend will be about you getting to know one another again.This requires presence with one another in the off times so we encourage periods of silence on the weekend.

G & T xxx