Sound of Silence Womens Retreats


“Sometimes just being in each others conscious presence is enough to rebirth & awaken us to our true nature ”


We gather…

You silently set an intention.

Taking your cup of cacao you go & sit somewhere quiet to drink in the surroundings.

After sometime you will return , greeting the others through only your eyes, no words.

Meditation & movement follow.

Resting in Darkness.

Silence gifts you space to feel into your body heart & soul.

Breathwork Session in utter silence & darkness as you block your ears to the outer world.

Early Rise Saturday for silence in the darkness before a silent walk to experience sunrise

Kayak Journey From Pier Cottage

Primordial Dance followed by rebirthing breathwork session.

Resting in silence & darkness.

Emerging from the womb and entering the light.

The waters call & so ensues the wild swim.(Optional)

Warming our body with a herbal sauna.

The energy rises.

Eating in Silence

Sitting with Presence

9D Breathwork -Transcending Fear

November 22nd - 25th 2024

800 EURO Own Room Limited to 8 Participants


Hi, Im Geraldine

Having spent many years facilitating women's circles and events I found through my own healing journey that the space I craved and needed so much for my integration and recovery was one of quietness and one where I didn't need to talk or listen or do anything only BE.

Inspired by a rewilding venture and original theme for this retreat I found that Rewilding simply means to allow something to return to its original wildness  and that is something I found that was naturally occurring for me as I healed and cleared my own wounds and conditioning.That Wildness is my fire,my passion,my heart.Its the part of me that feels best when I'm immersed in nature or in the cold water.That fire I tried to quench was the fire I needed to live.

Sometimes we just need space especially if we have been on self enquiry & healing journeys for many years. A space in silence and part darkness to come away from the stimuli of seeing & hearing outwardly to the inner world of the sounds of silence. To become the witness.

Feeling women really needed some place to recover from life at times, I began to receive some beautiful inspiration and guidance around creating something wonderful rooted in the breath and silence. I began to experience life’s mystery in a different way to before.

This is a space for us to be seen,heard,felt,witnessed,held,supported and loved without having to open our mouth....only our minds & hearts. A journey into the space beyond our stories …the space between our breath and between our thoughts.The space where your true self resides.

These are my new Silent & Darkness Retreats.

I invite you to join me.

Kind Words From Beautiful People